High Sensitive Humidity Sensors Based on Biomass Ionogels

作者: Xin Guan, Yunlong Yu, Ke Wu, Zhaonan Hou, Zhiyan Ma, Xiaoya Miao, Teng Fei, Tong Zhang
期刊: IEEE Sensors J.
卷号: 2022, 12, 12570-12575
接收日期: 2022-05-27 11:03:04
摘要 Abstract


This work proposes humidity sensors based on ionic liquid loaded in situ crosslinked ionogels. Stable ionogels were constructed by the synergistic effect of k-carrageenan and gelatin to ensure the uniformly dispersion of ionic liquid, which is conducive to the stability of humidity sensors. The humidity sensitive electrolyte with different contents were introduced into the ionogels. By controlling the ratio of ionic liquid in the crosslinked ionogels, the optimal sensor exhibits a high sensitivity in the low humidity range (5% - 35% RH). The resultant sensors exhibit excellent repeatability, and possess good stability in long-term tests up to 60 days. The introduction of ionic liquid to the sensing film is beneficial for enhancing the water adsorption capacity and ionic conductivity, which is of great significance for high-performance humidity sensors.