Synthesis and gas-sensing properties of ZnSnO3 cubic nanocages and nanoskeletons

作者: Yi Zeng ,Tong Zhang ,Huitao Fan ,Geyu Lu ,Minghui
期刊: Sens. Actuators B
卷号: 2009, 143, 449-453
接收日期: 2009-07-21 15:05:20
摘要 Abstract

Hollow ZnSnO3 nanocubes with peculiar cage- and skeleton-like architectures are successfully synthesized by a simple hydrothermal process at 180 °C for 12 h. These ZnSnO3 nanostructures exhibit almost uniform cubic structures with side length of 200–400 nm. The gas sensor based on these ZnSnO3 nanostructures exhibits high response and quick response-recovery to ethanol and HCHO, which also shows superior sensitive performance compared with the results of sensor based on solid ZnSnO3 nanocubes.


  • ZnSnO3


  • Nanostructure; 


  • Hydrothermal process; 


  • Gas sensor