Template-free synthesized hollow NiO-SnO2 nanospheres with high gas-sensing performance

作者: Lili Wang ,Jianan Deng ,Teng Fei ,Tong Zhang ,
期刊: Sens. Actuators B
卷号: 2012, 164, 90-95
接收日期: 2012-01-25 15:55:03
摘要 Abstract

Hollow NiO–SnO2 nanospheres have been fabricated via a simple one-pot template-free method. The synthesis is based on solvothermal treatment of stannate and nickel nitrate as the precursor in a mixed solvent of heptane–ethanol. The hollow nanospheres show diameters of about 200–300 nm with the wall thickness of about 50 nm, and the shell consists of numerous small nanoparticles. The gas sensor based on hollow NiO–SnO2 nanospheres exhibits high response and quick response–recovery to NH3, which are much better compared with sensors based on solid NiO–SnO2 nanospheres. The enhanced sensor performances are attributed to the larger surface area and fast gas diffusion.


  • NiO–SnO2


  • Hollow nanostructures; 


  • Rapid response; 


  • NH3 gas sensor