Preparation of lithium-modified porous polymer for enhanced humidity sensitive properties

作者: Kai Jiang ,Da Kuang ,Teng Fei ,Tong Zhang ,
期刊: Sens. Actuators B
卷号: 2014, 203, 752-758
接收日期: 2014-07-08 17:19:28
摘要 Abstract


A porous polymer was synthesized through self-polymerization of monomer 3-hydroxybenzoic acid by the Friedel?CCrafts alkylation reaction. To enhance hydrophilic properties of the resultant polymer (P3HBA), it was treated with lithium hydroxide to obtain lithium-modified polymer (Li@P3HBA). The structures of P3HBA and Li@P3HBA were characterized and their humidity sensitive properties were researched. Compared with P3HBA sensor, Li@P3HBA sensor exhibited improved humidity sensing properties. Li@P3HBA sensor showed the impedance change of three orders of magnitude at the whole humidity range, with a good linearity, litter hysteresis, rapid response and good long-term stability. Our results demonstrated that lithium-modified polymer with stable porous hydrophilic framework had the potential to fabricate humidity sensor for practical application.


  • Porous polymer;  

  • Lithium modification;  

  • Humidity sensitive properties;  

  • Stable porous hydrophilic framework