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Effect of heterogenous dopant and high temperature pulse excitation on ozone sensing behavior of In2O3 nanostructures and an image recognition method coupled to ozone sensing array
作者: Ning Sui, Zijie Song, Xiaoyi Xu, Shuang Cao, Yifeng Xu, Tingting Zhou, Tong Zhang
期刊:J. Hazard. Mater.
卷号:2024, 465, 133379
接收日期:2023-12-25 08:49:02
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Increasing the catalytic activity of Co3O4 via boron doping and chemical reduction for enhanced acetone detection
作者: Liang Zhao, Chengchao Yu, Congcong Xin, Yunpeng Xing, Zefeng Wei, Hongda Zhang, Teng Fei, Sen Liu, Tong Zhang
期刊:Adv. Funct. Mater.
卷号:2024, 2314174
接收日期:2023-12-14 23:41:03
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An Electrolyte-Mediated Paper-Based Humidity Sensor Fabricated by an Office Inkjet Printer
作者: Xiuzhu Lin, Hua Xue, Fan Li, Hongran Zhao, Tong Zhang
期刊:IEEE Electr. Device. L.
卷号:2024, 45, 244-247
接收日期:2023-11-28 21:39:36
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