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The synergy of Pd nanoparticles and oxygen vacancy to modulate SnO2 modified reduced graphene oxide hybrids for room-temperature ppb-level NO2 detection
作者: Yaqing Zhang, Zhimin Yang, Liang Zhao, Yunpeng Xing, Congcong Xin, Zefeng Wei, Teng Fei, Sen Liu, Tong Zhang
期刊:Appl. Surf. Sci.
接收日期:2023-03-27 09:09:11
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Flexible room-temperature ammonia gas sensors based on PANI-MWCNTs/PDMS film in breathing analysis and food safety
作者: Chonghui Zhu, Tingting Zhou, Tong Zhang Hong Xia,
卷号:2023, 13, 1158
接收日期:2023-03-23 23:50:19
Latest Papers
A Wearable Pressure Sensor Based on Ultra-Thin Ionic Nanopaper for Wide-Range Human Signal Detection
作者: Hua Xue, Fan Li, Hongran Zhao, Baofeng Xu, Xiuzhu Lin , Tong Zhang
期刊:IEEE Sensors J.
卷号:2023, 23, 9168-9175
接收日期:2023-03-17 22:06:26
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