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MIL-68 (In) and ZIF-8 assisted construction of n-n heterostructure for the effective sensing of trace-level ozone
作者: Ning Sui, Yifeng Xu, Peng Zhang, Shuang Cao, Tingting Zhou, Tong Zhang
期刊:Sens. Actuators B
卷号:2023, 380, 133312
接收日期:2023-01-03 22:31:04
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Highly Sensitive Humidity Sensor Based on Proton Conducting Au Nanoparticles Modified Metal Organic Frameworks
作者: Ke Wu, Xiaoya Miao, Yunlong Yu, Zhiyan Ma, Zhaonan Hou, Teng Fei, Tong Zhang
期刊:IEEE Sensors J.
卷号:2023, 23, 1867-1874
接收日期:2022-12-12 21:59:31
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In-Situ Growth of Dopamine on QCM for Humidity Detection
作者: Pengjia Qi, Ziwei Xu, Tong Zhang
卷号:2022, 10, 522
接收日期:2022-12-08 10:49:08
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