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NiO/NiCo2O4 Truncated Nanocages with PdO Catalyst Functionalization as Sensing Layers for Acetone Detection
作者: Tingting Zhou, Xiupeng Liu, Rui Zhang, Yubing Wang, Tong Zhang
期刊:ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces
卷号:2018, 10, 37242-37250
接收日期:2018-10-09 15:24:55
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Controllable construction of multishelled p-type cuprous oxide with enhanced formaldehyde sensing
作者: Rui Zhang, Xiupeng Liu, Tingting Zhou, Tong Zhang
期刊:J. Colloid. Interf. Sci.
卷号:2019, 535, 58-65
接收日期:2018-09-24 11:21:53
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Humidity sensors based on MCM-41/polypyrrole hybrid film via in situ polymerization
作者: Rongrong Qi, Xiuzhu Lin, Jianxun Dai, Hongran Zhao, Sen Liu, Teng Fei, Tong Zhang
期刊:Sens. Actuators B
卷号:2018, 277, 584-590
接收日期:2018-09-15 18:06:35
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