
View Detail 姓名: 刘运时
职称: 2016级博士
电子邮件: liuys16@mails.jlu.edu.cn




1、Yunshi Liu, Hsueh-Shih Chen, Jia Li, Ping Yang, Morphology adjustment of one dimensional CeO2 nanostructure via calcination and thier composite with Au nanoparticles towards enhanced catalysis, RSC Adv. 2015, 5, 37585-37591.

2、Yunshi Liu, Ping, Yang, Matras-Postolek Katarzyna, Yunlong Yue, Baibiao Huang, Morphology adjustment of SnO2 and SnO2/CeO2 one dimensional nanostructures towards applications in gas sensing and CO oxidation, RSC Adv. 2015, 5, 98500-98507.

3、Yunshi Liu, Junpeng Wang, Quande Che, Ping Yang, Yunlong Yue, Hydrophobic and hydrophilic Quantum Dots Embedded in Poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) fibers with bright photoluminescence, Nanosci. Nanotech. Let. 2015, 7, 105-110.

4、Yunshi Liu, Ping Yang, Jia Li, Matras-Postolek Katarzyna, Yunlong Yue, Baibiao Huang, Formation of SiO2@SnO2 core-shell nanofibers and their gas sensing properties, RSC Adv.2016, 6, 13371-13376.

5、Yunshi Liu, Xing Gao, Feng Li, Geyu Lu, Tong Zhang, Nicolae Barsan Pt-In2O3 Mesoporous Nanofibers with Enhanced Gas Sensing Performance towards ppb-level NO2 at Room Temperature, Sens. Actuators B 2018, 260, 927-936.

6、Yunshi Liu, Rui Wang, Tong Zhang, Sen Liu, Teng Fei Zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 (ZIF-8)-coated In2O3 nanofibers as an efficient sensing material for ppb-level NO2 d..., J. Colloid. Interf. Sci. 2019, 541, 249-257.

7、Yunshi Liu, Xiupeng Liu, Yubing Wang, Rui Wang, Tong Zhang  Metal-organic-framework-derived In2O3 microcolumnar structures embedded with Pt nanoparticles for NO2 detection near..., Ceram. Int. 2019, 45, 9820-9828.