Latest Papers
Mixed-Matrix Membrane based Piezoelectric CO2 Sensor with Self-Humidity Compensation
作者: Xiaoyi Xu, Tingting Zhou, Ao Yang, Hongtao Jiang, Zhao Song, Xukun Wang, Yu Bing, Liqiang Zhao, Tong Zhang
期刊:ACS Sens.
接收日期:2025-01-27 10:01:50
Latest Papers
Application of partially zwitterionic poly(ionicliquid)s in humidity sensors
作者: Yunlong Yu, Wei Zhang, Yaping Song, YanyuCui, Sen Liu, Teng Fei
期刊:J. Colloid. Interf. Sci.
接收日期:2025-01-06 15:52:33
Latest Papers
New perspective on performance optimization of polymer low humidity sensor utilizing a conductive polymer template
作者: Yunlong Yu, Wei Zhang, Yaping Song, Yanyu Cui, Sen Liu, Xishuang Liang, Teng Fei, Tong Zhang
期刊:Sens. Actuators B
卷号:2025, 426, 137091
接收日期:2025-01-08 08:43:09
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